Thursday, July 3, 2008

Five Years

Dre and I just celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary a little over a week ago. We spent it the way everyone wishes they could spend a romantic weekend--at an extended family reunion surrounded by 35 or so people. Actually, we had a really great time, and were even able to sneak away for a quiet walk and a noisy dinner.
It's funny how much we know about each other after these five years. For instance, I know that it is next to impossible to get a nice picture of Andre. So I was sitting with my aunt at the reunion picnic while Andre was watching a rousing bocce ball game and I said "watch this" as I took this picture:

And then I said, "Hey Andre, look over here and smile", and this is what he did:

Every stinkin' picture starts this way! If I wait long enough or make a fuss, he'll stop and smile. I didn't do that this time, and this is what we are stuck with.

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