Friday, February 6, 2009

When they let the animals out of the zoo...

Since starting my new career, I've gotten involved in the student section of the American Medical Association. Which means trips to Chicago (twice), Hawaii, Mobile, and Orlando where medical students from all over gather in one city to work hard and play a little. Or play hard and work a little. Depends on who I'm talking to :)

Our latest regional meeting was organized and hosted by Brody. We decided to hold it in Raleigh to make it easier for everyone to get to, and because there is much more to do there than here in G-vegas.
Now, fortunately for everyone, I don't have any pictures from the actual meeting. I do, however, have some shots of playtime. And I do mean playtime...dinner at the children's museum!

Why they won't let me start performing neurosurgery is beyond me. I mean, I wore personal protective equipment and everything.

Trying out a career as a weathergirl. I don't know that I have the hand-eye-camera coordination to do it justice--I was trying to point to North Carolina.
Dane was trying his best, but being as this exhibit was meant for children, he could only get from our shoulders to our noses in the frame.

I was just checking to see how many pounds the camera really adds to my butt. I have no idea what my friend Jenn was doing.

The Dress-for-the-Weather game. The mittens fit. The vest didn't.

My friend Megan. Slightly vertically-challenged.

On second thought, it may not be such a great idea to let over a hundred slightly cool-challenged (aka dorky, according to my husband) fun-starved medical students loose in a children's museum. Especially when there's an open bar during dinner.