Look at my little cutie-patootie of a niece! I can't believe how big she's gotten already!
6 years ago
We'll do our best to keep you updated on our lives. If there hasn't been a new post in awhile, consider us to be on default status--Andre's working, Andrea's working, or sleeping, or reading.
No deer sightings until our drive home--we saw three, very conveniently running right in front of our car. No close calls though, and everyone lived. There was even a little tiny spotted fawn with its mama. Maybe one day I'll see that fawn again...in a bowl of stew.
And then I said, "Hey Andre, look over here and smile", and this is what he did:
Every stinkin' picture starts this way! If I wait long enough or make a fuss, he'll stop and smile. I didn't do that this time, and this is what we are stuck with.